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casa de Miedo
virtual reality 2021

casa de miedo virtual reality project 2021

The Co-Op of High Tech High Chula Vista

Welcome to the Co-Op's Casa de Miedo Virtual Reality games!

What is FEAR? How can we BUILD amazing horror VR video games virtually based upon a focus fear?

Look on to see how our students designed, built and programmed interactive virtual reality games that will chill your bones!

How did students build and code interactive VR scenes? Using a platform called CoSpaces, students learned how to program animation and audience interactivity to create a horror filled game experience!
CoSpaces logo.jpg
VR cardboard woman.jpg

Exhibition is ONE Night Only!

Thursday, January 28th, 2021
FULL SCARE - 7:00 - 8:00pm
Bring your Cardboard Virtual Reality Goggles or VR Headsets to experience the Co-Op Scenes of FEAR!
*Goggles or headsets are not necessary to be afraid!
There were FOUR Zoom sessions: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta
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